WordPress Migration
Migration Request Form
This form provides us with vital information to begin WordPress migrations.
1 Introduction2 Hosting Details3 Site Details4 Email Services
Getting started
Before we begin, please take the time to read this short presentation to familiarize yourself with JungleWP’s migration process and security concerns you may have.
About this form
This migration form makes the process of migrating your website a lot easier for your support engineers. It provides us with valuable information we need to transfer your site to JungleWP.
To move your site to JungleWP we ask for a number of passwords. We value and protect your privacy. This form is highly secured over SSL, once we’ve finalized the transfer we destroy all passwords we receive.
We never modify your original website during migration. It will continue to work as usual during and after the migration process. We always notify you whenever a migration is started and when it ends.
What Happens next?
Once you submit this form a support engineer well be in touch with you to schedule the migration. When the time comes for us to perform the migration we’ll let you know that we’ve begun and get in touch as soon as we’re done.
Please provide the details of your current host.
Web Hosting or Domain Registrar*
A web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the services needed for your actual website to be viewed online such as domain name for example. A domain name registrar is an organization that manages the reservation of Internet domain names. If you didn’t purchase your domain name with your Web Hosting company, then use your Domain Registrar information instead.
Login*Your username.Password*Your password.
Please provide the details of your WordPress site.
WordPress dashboard*
WP Admin dashboard. You can get to this dashboard by adding /wp-admin to the end of your site’s url. This is where you create new posts, pages on your site.
Usename*Your WordPress username.Password*Your WordPress password.
We will create up to 10 email accounts for your web site.
Email accounts*
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Please add the email accounts you want us to create for you.WordPress email*
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Please specify which is the default email we should use to send outbound messages from your WordPress site, such as transactional emails, online purchase receipts, sign-up verification, and password reminders or resets.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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What our clients say
The JungleWP experience has been very good so far. I am very happy since I migrated my websites to JungleWP. Our traffic has increased significantly and the overall performance of our websites has been satisfactory. In the same way, the support is very proactive to our requests and the communication is facilitated between my team and JungleWP because the latter is able to communicate effectively in French and in English.
Cédric A.
From the site BusinessAttitude.fr
I decided to invest in Elite Plan because I wanted to optimize the technical performances of my website Vivre-au-Maroc.com and have the peace of mind that JungleWP experts handle my site’s technical challenges, so I can focus on creating value to my clients. The collaboration with JungleWP is above all for me an investment in terms of peace of mind, time savings and performance optimization for my site and therefore my clients.
Gaston L.
From the site Vivre-au-maroc.com
Thanks to JungleWP’s team. I now have high quality hosting at a very affordable price. Thanks to my server, my site is fast, secure and above all well saved. The customer service is also very effective so I will not hesitate to host my next two sites. Thanks again and long life to JungleWP!
Alexandre C.
From the site alexcormont.com
Contact Us
Message *
21/F, On Hing Building, 1 On Hing TerraceCentral , Hong Kong[email protected]